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Old-fashioned classroom education is no longer widely accepted by young people. Do you think young people are constantly listening to you in classroom education? Then continue reading this post.

After the first few minutes of training, even if the eyes of young people are on you, their minds are already on social media or on the argument with his girlfriend yesterday. Studies have shown that the uninterrupted focus time of Generation Z on anything is reduced to 8 seconds. How can we attract the perception and interest of young people to the subject of the lesson?

The answer is simple. Gamification. In fact, all instructors know the positive contribution of games to lessons. Many use games as a tool. But unfortunately, the new generation of young people do not like games that do not contain technology and the mobile world. You should also take advantage of technology for gamification. A game learned knowledge is much easier to remember. When you play a game through the contest setup, you notice that the energy level increases, the information is repeated and learned in a memorable way during the game. Although there are many game platforms produced for this purpose, the most prominent of them is the mobixa platform. Mobixa has an in - class exam-game (SINOY) specially created for instructors . Exam results are sent to students with a single click. The instructor can instantly see which subjects the class understands less, and everyone can take action while in the classroom. You can present the educational scenarios limited with your imagination to your students, not only exams, but also orientation training . With the message feature, you can send an exam message to your students both in and out of the classroom. From the leaderboard, each student can follow their level in the game.

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